There were at most two persons named Valentine who were executed on the 14th of February on February 14 by Roman Emperor Claudius in the 3rd century. According to NPR. One is said to have written a romantic note to the daughter of his prisoner just before his demise, scribbling on it “From to your Valentine.”
In the mid-section in the 18th century, it was commonplace for friends and loved ones from every social class to swap tokens and handwritten notes for Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. Once printing became less expensive it became more popular and the custom took off.

The origins of Valentine’s Day are unclear. It is believed by historians that it derived from Lupercalia which was held between the 13th and 15th of February. The festival, which was that was held in February, celebrated fertility and included sacrificial animal sacrifice, whipping and gifts exchange. But ยูฟ่าเบท outlawed this ritual in the middle of the fifth century, around the time St. Valentine was killed, NPR reports.
The attribution of Saint Valentine is also up for debate. Many believe that the saint was a priest during the third century in Rome. Claudius II, according to the reports, decided that romans with wives and families were not good soldiers. He outlawed the marriage. Valentine did not accept this, and married couples secretly, regardless of law. Some historians believe that Valentine was the one who wrote, just before he passed away, a letter of affection to the daughter of a jailer that he adored. The note was written, “From Your Valentine.”
No matter where it came from, it’s clear that the festival has evolved into an international symbol of romance. As it travelled into America, United States, capitalists saw the chance to profit on the love-struck desire which strikes the primitive regions of our brains, Rutgers University physical anthropologist Helen Fisher tells NPR. It led to the deluge of gifts, sweets adorable stuffed animals, and jewelry made of diamonds that are the hallmark of Valentine’s Day today.
Even though Valentine’s Day is a celebration that celebrates love, people have mixed feelings about this holiday. Many believe it’s an unintentionally commercial holiday, created by Hallmark and others, whereas some appreciate the significance of taking the time to honor romantic love. In fact, some experts say the holiday is a bit overrated–particularly for single people.
But if you’re celebrating these tips will help you to make the most of it. No matter if you’re celebrating it with a spouse, family member or friend, these guidelines will help to make your celebration a memorable and unforgettable day. Make sure to bring cards. During the 19th century, improvements in printing technology and postage rates led to increased demand for cards. Indeed, in 1900, printed cards replaced notepads written by hand in the majority of the social classes.
Enjoy the Christmas season
Many people think that Valentine’s Day evokes romantic visions of romantic flowers, chocolates, and romantic dinners. But if you dig deeper into the story of this day it becomes difficult — and more dark.
In ancient Rome in the past, the 14th of February celebration was linked to the pagan rite of Lupercalia that, according to historians, was a drunken, raucous fertility rite wherein men and women would mingle. The rite transformed into the Christian celebration to honor Saint Valentine who is credited with aiding couples to find love.
It was English writer Geoffrey Chaucer who is credited with making Valentine’s Day into a romantic celebration filled with love. The Times said that Chaucer’s “The Parlement of Foules”, and “The Complaint of Mars” have made Valentine’s Day a holiday for love.
It wasn’t until later, in the 5th century when it was not until the 5th century that Roman Catholic church officially declared February 14 as the Saint Valentine’s Day. This was possible to get rid of the remaining pagan beliefs. It’s not known if the Pope Gelasius 1 banned Lupercalia since it was an event of pagan origin, or whether it was to honor the memory of early Christian martyrs called Valentine.
From the late 18th century onwards, it became common for couples to exchange other Valentine’s Day cards. The cards were often written by the sender, and sent to the person with whom they were in relationships. They usually included the words “I love you” and even an image of the sender and recipient in a group. The cards could be delivered with small, sweet gifts. sweets, such as heart-shaped candy containers.
In the early 1840s, massively produced valentines started to pop up which were embellished with images, lace and other details. There are more than one billion Valentine’s Day greeting cards are sold each year. A lot of people give gifts of flowers, dinners or chocolates to celebrate this day to express their love. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University that studies the sexuality of humans, says that the need to be loved developed into a brain system that existed millions of years ago. “When you’re in love your brain’s wired in according to a particular way,” she says.
The Gifts
Valentine’s Day is a time to express love and gratitude. However, have you ever considered which traditions influenced these gifts? Here are some fun facts about the history of gift-giving for Valentine’s Day.
The first Valentine’s Day cards were likely handmade in the early 17th century. In the 1700s, Esther A. Howland, also known as “Mother of the Valentine”–began selling the first mass-produced Valentines to America.
The year 1900 was the first when the printed card began to replace written letters. This is because of technological advances in printing and postal. Vinegar Valentines, which were anonymous messages were very popular at that time. These were used to deny advances or to just annoy someone.
Over the past few years, people have begun to steer away from traditional Valentine’s Day gifts of chocolates, flowers or gifts and choose more practical gifts. These could range like a kit of barware for those who want to become mixologists, or sneakers for the casual nature lover. There are a variety of websites that offer the option to create and personalize gifts such as custom-made cards with photographs and names.
Although it’s important to consider the receiver when selecting a present, there are mental biases that may result in poor decisions. As an example the confirmation bias, which is the tendency to favor data that is consistent with one’s own preconceived notions could result in an individual buying a present that’s not the right one for the other person. Status quo bias is another factor. People are more likely to stick with their existing habits instead of making a new experiment.
Many people also give gifts to their furry companions on Valentine’s Day. It’s true that American households shell out more than $700 million for pet presents every year. Take a look at our selection of the best dog and cat suggestions for gifts in case you’re contemplating getting a new pet this Valentine’s Day. Besides being a great method of showing your appreciation for your pet, these present options are sure to keep them happy and healthy!
The tradition of sending cards for Valentine’s Day originated in England around 17th-century England. Friends and lovers exchanged handmade valentine card made from lace, ribbons and cupids. The tradition was introduced to America by the mid-1840s in the 1840s, when Esther A. Howland, a Mount Holyoke graduate who is known as the “Mother of the American Valentine,” began selling the first mass-produced Valentines.
The card became more accessible and well-loved by the end of the 19th century thanks to improvements in the printing technology. Cheaper postage rates also helped to increase the appeal of this innovative method to convey love. As of Victorian the era, hundreds of millions of valentines were sent every year.
Some men feel it’s mandatory for their spouse to present cards. Other people don’t mind if they do. The Greeting Card Association, around 25 percent of the cards are for Valentine’s Day.
Although the holiday is centered on love, it’s loved by all kinds of people from families to singles as well as from teenagers to old. Businesspeople also send cards to employees, clients and even acquaintances.
Although some couples mark Valentine’s Day with a dinner for two and chocolates or flowers, some prefer not to buy gifts and prefer to spend their day with each other. For instance, a Minnesota woman who was named Louise Wirt, who died in the year 2000 at age 90, told her family that all she was looking for was a letter by her man. The card was presented to her along with the champagne bottle which she put in her dresser for years.
Some of the most popular cards include Cupid which is a matchmaker, who the Romans believed had the power to turn frogs into princes and goats into chariot horses. Candies, chocolates, heart-shaped candies as well as flowers are common.
As well as cards, people often give other types of gifts on Valentine’s Day, such as teddy bears and jewelry. Children and adults alike love chocolates that come with a wide variety of forms and tastes. In the United States, the Valentine’s Day industry is dominated by Hallmark and companies that sell candy, flowers, as well as other items related to the holiday.